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NHS Ayrshire & Arran is encouraging staff to cycle to work

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Person standing from front of a bike shelter, beside a bike.

NHS Ayrshire & Arran is supporting active and sustainable travel options to improve the health and wellbeing of its staff and support positive behaviour change that positively impacts the environment.

NHS Ayrshire & Arran has recently extended their Cycle Friendly Employer status to include University Hospitals Ayr and Crosshouse, Ayrshire Central Hospital, Ailsa Hospital and Three Towns Resource Centre.

This award recognises the effort and hard work undertaken by the Board to support people to cycle.  The Cycle Friendly Employer scheme also provides the organisation with a framework, resources and one-to-one support to help make it easier for people to cycle.

There are a number of initiatives, many supported by partners such as Travelsmart (Workplace Engagement – The Trinity), already in place to support active and sustainable travel for NHS Ayrshire & Arran staff.  These include Dr Bike sessions, information sessions, cycle to work scheme, step challenge and the use of bike shelters on hospital sites.

Andy Gillies Head of Spiritual care for NHS Ayrshire & Arran, and who regularly cycles to work, added, “Cycling to work makes me feel fitter and more connected to the countryside around me.  It really sets me up for the day ahead by allowing me to process hard days at work. Plus, I take up one less car parking space and it slows me down, literally.”

NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s Director of Public Health, Lynne McNiven said, “Cycling to work has a range of benefits for your health, as well as helping to save money, and is better for the environment.

“We are keen to support active travel and we would encourage everyone to give it a go.”