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Come along to our annual review

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NHS Ayrshire & Arran Annual Review Thursday 3 October

Members of the public are invited to the Annual Review, which is being held on Thursday 3 October 2024 at 10am in Common Rooms 1 and 2 Macdonald Education Centre at University Hospital Ayr.

The event will open at 10am, with the review starting at 10.15am. It should last approximately one hour.

Members of the public can come along to hear about how NHS Ayrshire & Arran is performing, and also have the opportunity to ask any questions of the Board Chair or the Chief Executive.

Those attending can submit their question in advance, or ask their question during the public session if time allows.

We will try to answer all questions during the session. However, in the event that we run out of time and don’t get to your question, we will provide a written response within eight weeks. Please note that it will not be possible to answer questions about patient-specific issues.

If you are unable to join the meeting and you have a question you’d like to ask, you can still submit your question in advance of the meeting.

Claire Burden, Chief Executive of NHS Ayrshire & Arran, explains: “These annual reviews are a key component in sharing with the public how NHS Boards are investing and performing on behalf of the citizens they support. This year’s Annual Review is a non-ministerial session. However, we would welcome members of the public to come along to hear directly from our senior management team and ask questions.”

We would ask that those wishing to attend, book their place in advance so we can ensure we can accommodate the number of people wishing to join. Please let us know also if you have any special requirements. To book your place, please email  

You can also use this email address to submit your questions. Please ensure that all questions are submitted by 5pm on Friday 13 September.

The review will be recorded and uploaded onto our website as soon as possible following the Annual Review. Visit and follow the link.

For further information, you can visit our website: