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Suicide prevention training

The Suicide Prevention Team is a small group of employees from NHS Ayrshire & Arran and the three Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCP). The team is responsible for the development, coordination and delivery of suicide prevention and intervention training across Ayrshire.

The suicide prevention training programme has two dedicated trainers delivering training across Ayrshire. The aim of the training is to:

  • raise awareness of suicide
  • provide people with the confidence and skills to support people experiencing suicidal thoughts

The training is free to attend. It’s open to staff and volunteers working in Ayrshire & Arran across various sectors, such as:

  • the NHS
  • HSCP
  • local authority
  • third sector/voluntary organisations

NHS Education Scotland (NES) programmes

Introduction to Suicide Prevention (previously known as Ask Tell Save a Life)

An introduction to suicide prevention using the NHS Education Scotland (NES) Ask Tell Save a Life (ATSAL) animations.

This workshop explores the issue of suicide and self-harm in adults, children young people with a snapshot of the current suicide statistics in Scotland. It helps learners understand the signs that people of all ages may be thinking about suicide and/or self harm, and how and when to provide immediate help and support.

Please note this session is an introduction to suicide prevention, and does not go into lengthy detail around carrying out a suicide intervention

Skilled Level Suicide Prevention

Based on the skilled level NHS Education Scotland (NES) information, this includes:

  • the factors that might cause people to think about suicide
  • working with people to assess their risk of suicide
  • conversations that enable people to talk about their thoughts of suicide
  • when to seek emergency support and intervention for people at risk of suicide
  • practical and emotional approaches to supporting people at risk of suicide
  • additional information about children and young people who may be at risk of suicide

This is aimed towards workers who are likely to have direct or substantial contact with people who may be at risk of:

  • mental ill health
  • self-harm
  • suicide

This means that they have an important contribution to make in mental health improvement and self-harm and suicide prevention.

If you have attended Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in the last three years, please do not book on this course as ASIST is more advanced.

LivingWorks programmes

safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone)

LivingWorks’ Suicide Alertness for Everyone programme equips people to be

  • more alert to someone thinking of suicide
  • better able to connect them with further help

This course is designed to help participants:

  • recognise that a person might be having thoughts of suicide
  • engage that person in direct and open talk about suicide
  • move quickly to connect them with someone trained in suicide intervention

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

LivingWorks’ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) teaches participants how to:

  • preserve life where a person might be a danger to themselves
  • listen and talk to a person with suicidal intention without judgement
  • provide comfort to a person with suicidal intention

ASIST is a two day in-person workshop. You’ll learn how to:

  • recognise when someone may be thinking about suicide
  • provide a skilled intervention
  • develop a safety plan with the person to connect them with further support


If you are interested in attending training, or have any questions, please contact