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Girvan Community Hospital

Girvan Community Hospital is a 26-bed hospital with minor injuries service, diagnostic facilities, rehabilitation suite, day service and outpatient department, It is staffed by local GPs supported by other professions. The Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland and a pharmacy are based on site. Girvan Community Hospital provides modern health and social care services to the people of south west Ayrshire.


KA26 9HQ

Tel: 01465 712571

How to get here

Public Transport

Visiting Times

In most wards, visiting times are between 8am to 10pm. However, there may be times when you will be asked to leave the ward. This include when staff need to provide personal care; when staff need to treat or speak to patients in private; if patients need to leave the ward for tests; or if visitors’ behaviour disrupts other patients or staff. Please check with the ward before making planning your visit.

Parking Information

Car Parking

Car parking spaces are available, including disabled and parent and child car parking. There is a drop-off area at the main entrance, but then please park in a designated space in the car park.

Disabled Parking

Disabled parking facilities are in the main car park, close to the hospital entrance.

Bicycle Parking

Bicycle and moped cycle parking stands are available outside the main entrance at Girvan Community Hospital. Cycle users must provide their own cycle locks to secure their cycles

Additional Information

Smoke Free Grounds

The days of smoking on NHS grounds have drawn to a close. All our hospital premises and grounds are now smoke-free.

Find your Nearest

Find your nearest Pharmacy, GP, Dentist, Optician, Emergency Department, Sexual Health Clinic or Health and Wellbeing Service.

Services within the hospital

  • inpatient beds (GP-led);
  • general medical services through two GP practices – previously provided from Girvan Health Centre;
  • a wide range of outpatient clinics for children and adults provided by local and visiting clinicians;
  • mental health services, including adult, elderly, addictions and learning disabilities services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), psychiatry and psychology services;
  • minor injuries unit;
  • older people’s day hospital;
  • rehabilitation suite, with facilities for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, podiatry and dietetics services;
  • x-ray services;
  • community dental service;
  • district nursing, school nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff base;
  • health improvement information and support;
  • Scottish Ambulance Service base; and
  • independent pharmacist.