NHS inform self help advice
NHS inform is Scotland’s national health information service, providing people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for.

What you’ll find on NHS inform
Information about:
- illnesses, injuries and conditions
- tests and treatments
- healthy living topics – such as smoking, alcohol, drugs and drug use, food and nutrition and mental wellbeing
- health news and events
- national health campaigns
- services provided by GPs, pharmacies and dental surgeries in Scotland
- your rights when using these services
There are also a number of interactive tools:
- Self-help guides for common illnesses and injuries
- Scotland’s Service Directory containing hundreds of support groups and thousands of NHS services in Scotland
- Info for Me tool that helps you to gather, save, publish and share your own health information
You can also find out about NHS inform in British Sign Language (BSL)