Service overview
Occupational therapy helps people to lead ordinary lives by improving their ability to carry out a range of activities that they need to do, are expected to do, or want to do during the course of their lives.
Our mission
Working together to achieve the healthiest life possible for everyone in Ayrshire and Arran.
Our values
- Using an innovative approach
- Continuously improving our methods
- Working in a caring and compassionate way
- Delivering excellent service based on evidence
- Making sure everyone feels equal
- Working as a team
Below is a table of hand-drawn posters that show the kinds of things occupational therapists do.


Attend meetings

Going to the cinema

Getting about
The unique and creative contributions of occupational therapy staff (working with people, using activity and maximising independence) will improve the health outcomes and wellbeing of the people of Ayrshire and Arran.
How to access our service Referrals to Occupational Therapy Services may be made through the access routes for the services above.
Services we work with:
- Addiction Services
- Adult Mental Health
- Adult Physical Health
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Child Health
- Forensic Mental Health
- Learning Disabilitie
- Local Authorities
- Occupational Health
- Older People’s Mental Health
- Older People’s Physical Health
- Voluntary Sector