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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Non-urgent advice: Urgent mental health help

For urgent or out of hours mental health related concerns, when local services are not able to be contacted directly, please see NHS Inform:
Get urgent mental health help | NHS inform
NHS national services will then be able to deal with your concern and direct you to the most appropriate national or local resources, all of which are available through NHS24.

Mental health and wellbeing is about how we think and feel. Good mental health and wellbeing helps us enjoy life and cope well with life’s challenges.

Our mental health and wellbeing goes up and down. It can be affected by life events including work stress or problems with family or friends.

It is normal to feel happy when something good happens, feel angry or sad when something bad happens, or to be scared or anxious if something is worrying you. Part of keeping good mental health is being aware of the difference between your normal emotions and feelings, and those that you may need extra support with for example major life events.

No matter what challenges we face, there are steps we can take every day to look after and improve our mental health and wellbeing.

Throughout this page there is a range of information and self help tools to support people of all ages to look after their mental health and wellbeing. This information is suitable for children, young people and adults.

10 ways to improve your mental health

Here are some things we can all do to maintain and improve our mental health and wellbeing:

Self help tools

We can all feel low, stressed or anxious from time to time. Here are some of the self help tools you can use to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

A selection of self help guides, leaflets and apps to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing. We have also created a workbook which provides printable exercises to support positive mental wellbeing:

Further information on mental health problems

If you are worried and would like further information on identifying, treating and managing mental health problems then please visit NHS inform: Mental Health | NHS Inform

If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or low – find out what others have found helpful to improve their mental wellbeing: Mind to Mind | NHS Inform

Details of health & wellbeing support services can also be found on NHS Inform: Scotland’s Service Directory | NHS Inform

If you are worried or need someone to talk to below are some telephone help lines that offer confidential support:

Local Support

For more information about support local to you, click on your area below:

South Ayrshire Lifeline | Things to do in Ayrshire

East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (

Scotland’s Service Directory

For more information about local support for children, young people and families, click on your area below:

NA community WB supports and services (

South Ayrshire Community Mental Health Support (