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Cancer Services

Types of Cancer

Find out more about some different types of cancer below. More detailed information and other types of cancer can be found at NHS Inform and Cancer Research UK.

Blood cancer

Bowel cancer

Breast cancer

Cervical cancer

Children’s cancer

Liver cancer

Lung cancer


Other skin cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Prostate cancer

Testicular cancer

Mouth cancer

Local Services

It can be challenging to know who to turn to when you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Find out more about the local services available in Ayrshire and Arran.

Types of Cancer Treatment

It can be a scary time starting treatment for cancer. Find out more information and what to expect when undergoing different types of treatment.



Other treatment

Getting to and from your Appointment

You may be worried about how you or your loved one will get to and from their hospital appointments. There is lots of help available.


Cancer screening involves testing for signs of cancer in apparently healthy individuals. It can lead to the early detection of cancer or even its prevention. The tests performed as part of cancer screening are not the same as those used by doctors to diagnose or treat cancer. Find out more about the three screening programmes available and their eligibility criteria below.

Bowel screening

Breast screening

Cervical screening

Local Information

  • Ayrshire Cancer Support – provide help to cancer patients throughout Ayrshire. As well as a patient transport service they also offer counselling and complementary therapies.
  • The Beatson – The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre (BWoSCC) is the largest cancer centre in Scotland and is the lead centre for non-surgical cancer care for the West of Scotland. The Beatson is designed to create a calm, relaxing and therapeutic environment for patients, to help improve their wellbeing and enhance their recuperation. 

National Information