Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. Approximately 55,000 women and 400 men are diagnosed each year. It is estimated that one in nine women in Scotland will be diagnosed in their lifetime. Breast cancer is currently the second most common cause of cancer death amongst women in the UK.
Breast Screening can detect tiny cancers, often before they can be seen or felt. Breast Screening saves approximately 130 lives every year in Scotland because detecting cancers early, when they are smaller makes them easier to treat.
If you have noticed breast changes or have concerns regarding your breasts, please contact your own GP, who can make a referral to a local symptomatic breast clinic.
The South West of Scotland Breast Screening Service operates from its headquarters at Ayrshire Central Hospital, Irvine. It provides screening for women in Ayrshire & Arran and Dumfries & Galloway. All women, registered with a GP within those regions and aged between 50 and 70 years will automatically be invited for screening once every three years. This currently amounts to approximately 85,000 women.
Find your nearest breast screening location
You can check when the Breast Screening Service will be in your area by consulting our breast screening schedule.
Breast screening – if you are aged 71 years and over
Women over the age of 70 will not be sent a routine invitation but are welcome to request screening once every 3 years, if they wish, by contacting their local Breast Screening Centre to make an appointment.
Breast screening – if you are aged 50 years and over
The Breast Screening Service is a three year rolling programme which means that it aims to screen all eligible women in each area once every three years. Unfortunately, if a woman turns 50 soon after we have completed screening women in her area; she may be almost 53 years of age before she receives her first automatic invitation.
Women who find themselves in this situation are welcome to self refer but may have to travel further to access a screening unit.
If you are 50 years or over and would like to make an appointment for breast screening: Please contact the Screening Centre, Irvine.
Mobile screening
If you live close to Irvine, you will be invited to have your screening mammogram taken at Ayrshire Central Hospital but the majority of women, around 80%, will have their screening examinations carried out on a mobile screening unit. There are currently 20 sites used for mobile units spread across Ayrshire and Arran and Dumfries and Galloway.
How we choose our sites
Mobile screening sites are chosen very carefully, they must:
- Have good public transport links.
- Have standard and disabled parking spaces close by.
- Be close to public toilet facilities because mobile units do not have toilets on board.
Invitations for breast screening are sent out in batches according to the GP practice to which women in each location are registered. They are issued directly from the headquarters in Irvine and are posted approximately three weeks in advance.
It is important that you contact the screening centre beforehand if you intend to accept your invitation and any of the following applies to you:
- You have had breast x-rays within the last 6 months.
- You are currently being treated for breast cancer or having follow-up tests.
- You have had both breasts removed.
- You have breast Implants.
- You have a disability or special requirements.
- You are a wheelchair user.
Please Note: The Breast Screening Service is unable to accommodate babies or children under the age of 16 safely and therefore we ask that you do not bring children with you when you attend your screening appointment.
GPs are notified of all outcomes for women under their care, including non-attendance or declined appointments. If you fail to take up your initial invitation you will receive a reminder letter within seven days of your original appointment.
I’m a transgender man – am I eligible for breast screening?
Yes. If you have not had your breasts removed you are eligible for breast screening. If you are not automatically invited, please contact your local breast screening centre or GP.
I’m a transgender woman – am I eligible for breast screening?
Yes. If you are taking hormones, the development of breast tissue means that you may be at risk of developing breast cancer. If you are not automatically invited, please contact your local breast screening centre or your GP.
How do I opt out?
Women have the right to remove their name from the Breast Screening Programme at any time by signing a disclaimer letter. On receipt of the letter, their name will be removed and their GP will be notified of their decision. For further information please contact the Screening Centre, Irvine.
The Breast Screening service aims to issue your results within 15 working days.
At the South West of Scotland Breast Screening Centre, we want to provide you with a quality service and therefore welcome and encourage feedback.
We issue customer satisfaction questionnaires regularly and implements changes wherever possible to improve your experiences.
We actively encourage you to be breast aware. You should know how your breasts look and feel normally in order to detect any changes that may occur.
For more information about how to detect breast cancer early, including: how to check your breasts or what signs and symptoms to look out for go to
For more facts and figures about breast cancer go to
For more information about breast cancer and other breast issues such as pain, family links, breast awareness and much more go to
Contact us
South West of Scotland Breast Screening Centre
Ayrshire Central Hospital
Kilwinning Road
KA12 8SS
Tel: 01294 323506/7
Find us on Facebook
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am -5pm
Clinical Director: Dr. S. Henderson

Information and directions on how to find us can be found on the Ayrshire Central Hospital page.