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The Super Six

The Super Six are some of the key exercises that help improve balance – a major part in keeping you steady and reducing the risk of falling.

They can be done safely at home and don’t need any equipment, other than something secure to hold on to, like a chair.

Start with one exercise and add more in as you get used to doing them. Make sure you are wearing good fitting shoes that support your feet and only do as many repetitions as you feel able to do.

To help you to stay steady, try doing the Super Six three times a week, in addition to a daily walk. 

To perform the exercises safely:

  • use a sturdy and stable chair or something solid like a worktop for support
  • wear supportive shoes and comfortable clothes
  • stop altogether if any exercise causes pain in your joints or muscles – check you are doing it correctly and try it again
  • try not to hold your breath, just breathe normally throughout

Feeling your muscles work or a slight muscle soreness the next day is normal.

If you experience chest pain, severe shortness of breath or dizziness, stop immediately and contact your GP, or call 111 if your GP practice is closed.

See our handout for Super Six exercises, along with videos below demonstrating all individual exercises. 

Tai Chi exercise videos

We suggest that you watch the video first to familiarise yourself with the movements involved, doing this will also allow you to:

  • Choose between a sitting or standing version of the movement
  • Some people vary between sitting and standing to allow for rests between movements.
  • Each movement is repeated three times, you may choose to start by pacing yourself by starting with less repetitions or just trying a few of the movements first.
  • you might choose to make the leg or arm movements smaller in range before attempting to increase as able

The movements in the video should not increase pain.  If you feel your symptoms are aggravated then just try adjusting the activity, however do not persist if your symptoms worsen.

Tai Chi Body Awareness Exercise Video
Tai Chi Series 1 Exercise Video
Tai Chi Series 2 Exercise Video
Qi Gong Movement Video 1
Qi Gong Movement Video 2