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Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition which arises due to a lack of a chemical called dopamine in the brain. This chemical is lacking because the nerve cells that produce it have started to die. This cell death will continue. Therefore, this means that the condition will worsen with time.

We don’t know what causes this to happen but research show us that it is likely due to a combination of genetics and environmental factors.

There are approximately 145,000 people in the UK affected by this condition – around one in every 350 adults. In Ayrshire, there are around 750 people living with Parkinson’s.


Symptoms start to appear when the brain can’t make enough dopamine to control movement properly. This usually occurs on one side of the body initially.

There are three main symptoms:

  • slowness of movement (bradykinesia);
  • muscle stiffness (rigidity); and
  • shaking (tremor).

There are, however, many other symptoms that are not always easily recognisable as a Parkinson’s issue. Symptoms are generally categorised as motor or non-motor.

Motor symptoms include:

  • rigidity;
  • tremor;
  • cramps;
  • dystonia (movement disorder);
  • freezing; and
  • falls.

Non-motor symptoms include:

  • pain;
  • sleep fatigue;
  • bladder and bowel problems; and
  • communication problems.

However, these lists are not exhaustive.

If you notice that you or a member of your family has any of these symptoms, please speak to your family doctor (GP) and ask for a referral to a movement disorder specialist, such as a geriatrician with a specialist interest in movement disorders.


In NHS Ayrshire & Arran, we have two Parkinson’s Nurse Specialists. You can contact them by:

You can also contact the local advisor from Parkinson’s UK, Lorna Fraser, by emailing

Support services in Ayrshire

Ayrshire Parkinson’s Café
Shortlees Community Centre
Blacksyke Ave, Kilmarnock
Last Thursday of each month between 13.30pm & 15.30pm
Contact: Jennifer Taylor 0300 123 3679

Ayrshire Parkinsons Support Group
Castlepark Community Church
4 Castlepark Circle, Irvine
KA12 9LQ
1st Monday of each month between 2pm & 4pm
Contact: Liza Burley, 01294 211073
Facebook: APSG The Place to Share!

Parkinson’s Support Session and coffee at Stewarton Community Hub  
Monday from 11am to 12 noon

You can find more information about these groups and details of other groups on the Parkinson’s UK website: